Weekly Worship Service 8:30am Each Sunday!
Pastor Peter Noble has moved to Tasmania, but his past sermons were streamed on our Facebook page (@StMartinsLutheranChurch4680)
Worshipping at the SDA Church hall at 1 Chapman St (corner of Chapman and Tudman St), West Gladstone, QLD 4680
8:30am Service each Sunday morning. PASTORAL VACANCY For the next few months of the New Year we will be having Services of the Word without Holy Communion, until such a time as we either arrange a Word and Sacrament License or a visiting Guest Pastor. Holy Communion If you are from a different Christian denomination and are concerned about permission to take Communion during one of our services, the only requirements we have are Baptism and a belief in God. Our Sunday worship service with Holy Communion is central to the life of our community. It's the one time during the week when all members are encountered by God's Word. Public worship is a time of celebration and spiritual comfort. It's a time to be ministered to and have the opportunity to minister to others. The Word of God and the Lord's Supper are the central parts of the Service. Both focus on the Good News of Jesus. We believe that weekly worship is essential in the life of a believer, its a time like no other where we're nourished and renewed by God's Word and Sacraments. Strengthened by this encounter with God, we then go and live out God's purposes for our individual lives in the world. |
Written Sermons
As part of our current online worship resources, Pastor Peter Noble has provided a written copy of his sermon for those who cannot attend the live stream services:
As part of our current online worship resources, Pastor Peter Noble has provided a written copy of his sermon for those who cannot attend the live stream services: