1. Introduction
2. Baptism is a sacrament
3. In the name of God
The Word of God which Jesus commanded us to use in Baptism is God's name. The name of God includes everything the Bible teaches about God. We are Baptised in the name of:
- The Father who creates and cares for us
- The Son who cleanses us from sin
- The Holy Spirit who gives us faith and makes us children of God.
4. Baptism is for All people

Jesus commanded his disciples to baptise all people. This includes adults and children who have come to the faith in Jesus. It also includes babies. Mark 10:14 we hear about Jesus' invitation for little children to come to him. 'Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God' (Mark 10:14). Jesus wants little ones to be brought to him. Babies are sinful and need forgiveness. They receive this forgiveness through Baptism, they also receive the gift of faith. It is a miracle of God's grace that both adults and children can believe. Please now watch this short Youtube Video clip of an infant being baptised.
5. Baptism and the Congregation

Through baptism a person becomes a member of God's church, and joins a Christian congregation. For this reason people are usually baptised during the worship of the congregation. The congregation joyfully welcomes the baptised person as a new member in Christ.
Christian parents have an important responsibility when their babies are baptised. They promise some important things:
Christian parents have an important responsibility when their babies are baptised. They promise some important things:
- to share the love of Jesus with their children.
- to bring them up in the Christian faith.
- to be an example to their children of what it means to live as a follower of Jesus